Episode 16: Thinking Out Loud (Again)

Episode 16: Thinking Out Loud (Again)

As part of our effort to keep The Conversation transparent, we’re taking ten minutes to bring you up to speed on some of the discussions going on behind the project. A few questions have been badgering us: is The Conversation inherently elitist? If not, how can we democratize it more? Speaking of which, how can we spark a more lively online conversation and bring more listener comments into the interviews? Finally, we mention that we’re swamped with amazing interviews and not enough time to edit, so we’re going to slow the pace of the project to a single conversation per week and try to stretch The Conversation out over a longer production timeframe. This will allow us to include a huge variety of new voices but, at the same time, it will cost more. Apologies in advance, but you’re going to hear us ask for money at some point during this brief episode.

Artwork by Eleanor Davis: www.doing-fine.com